Weapons: Shotguns

Welcome back to our weapons series! Today, we're exploring the domain of Shotguns in Merk Mayhem, the go-to choice for supremacy in close-quarters combat. Like SMGs, Shotguns do not support Aim Down Sights (ADS). This emphasizes their role in intuitive, high-stakes combat scenarios. Let's examine the different shotgun models available and their strategic uses on the battlefield.

 ✓ indicates features whose mechanics are implemented and functional in game.
✶ indicates features that are currently in development, some mechanics may be available in game. 
✕ indicates features that are planned but have not yet started development, not in game.

Stay tuned for upcoming posts where we'll explore other weapon classes in detail, showcasing how they can uniquely shape and enhance your gameplay experience!

Stock Pump Action Shotgun

  • Stats Overview:

    • Fire Rate: 72 RPM

    • Magazine: 6 rounds

    • Damage: 160 Body, 240 Head (8 Pellets)

    • Range: Fall-off begins at 20m

    • TTK: 0.0 - 0.83 seconds (Body & Head)

  • Tactical Analysis: The Stock Pump Action Shotgun is a staple for shotgun aficionados. It offers a great balance between firepower and magazine size, making it effective in various close-range encounters.

✓ Full Auto Shotgun

  • Stats Overview:

    • Fire Rate: 288 RPM

    • Magazine: 10 Rounds

    • Damage: 60 Body, 90 Head (12 Pellets)

    • Range: Fall-off begins at 10m

    • TTK: 0.42 - 0.83 seconds (Body), 0.21 - 0.42 seconds (Head)

  • Tactical Analysis: The Full Auto Shotgun is a dream for players who love relentless, close-quarter firefights. Its high rate of fire and significant magazine size make it an overwhelming force in close combat.

✕ Double Barrel Slug Shotgun

  • Stats Overview:

    • Fire Rate: 216 RPM

    • Magazine: 2 rounds

    • Damage: 120 Body, 180 Head (1 Slug)

    • Range: Fall-off begins at 30m

    • TTK: 0.28 - 0.56 seconds (Body), 0.0 - 0.28 seconds (Head)

  • Tactical Analysis: The Double Barrel Shotgun is designed for players who prioritize accuracy and high damage per shot. Its massive damage output per slug makes it extremely lethal for those who can aim with precision.

Comparative Analysis:

  • Firepower and Range:

    • The Full Auto Shotgun shines in rapid engagement scenarios, while the Stock Pump Action provides a more classic shotgun feel with balanced power and effective range.

  • Magazine Size and Reloading:

    • The Full Auto Shotgun boasts a larger magazine, contrasting with the Double Barrel's focus on high damage but limited ammunition.

  • Versatility:

    • The Stock Pump Action Shotgun emerges as the most versatile, adept for a variety of tactical situations.

Shotguns in Merk Mayhem are tailored for players who excel in the frenzy of close-range battles. Each model presents unique advantages - from the balanced Pump Action Shotgun to the onslaught of the Full Auto, and the precise lethality of the Double Barrel Shotgun. Mastering these weapons can significantly boost your effectiveness in the game's most intense skirmishes.

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